Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Concert Poster

I think this concert poster for The Strokes uses effective design. It is simple but eye-catching. The white space actually works well with the poster because it accentuates the band's name. Once the audience would see this, they would become interested to know what it is a poster for. The pink in the Strokes word is the only splash of color, which accentuates it that much more. Even the diagonal of the building leads your eye to the concert information.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Good Magazine Layout

I find that People magazine has an effective cover layout. The magazine has a very bold title, which is always easy to recognize, even in this case where Andre Agassi's head is covering part of it. Readers still understand what it says. The title story is always the biggest part of the cover because it is the most important part of that particular issue, and then other important stories run down the side. The layout is balanced nicely and highlights the stories to a good extent. The colors of the magazine also are always used in an effective way, by using attention-grabbing colors, but by not being too overpowering to the point where it would look cheesy and cheap.